Fun-filled Glitter Tattoo for Children Parties (Singapore)
Looking for some fringe activities to keep the kids entertained for birthday parties?
Hire us for some colourful, fun and amazing glitter tattoos customized for children. With over 35 designs to choose from!
Air-Brush Tattoo
The Airbrush Tattoo for Kids are Temporary Tattoos. Using our Airbrush Tattoo Stencils, our artist will then imprint the beautiful design onto the person. We will come with The Airbrush Tattoo Display Book which displays all of our airbrush tattoo stencils, allowing customers to easily flip through to see all of our Airbrush tattoo designs.
Was Up $180,
Promotion Now $150/hr, $100 for each additional hour
(Serves up to 35 artworks/person in an hour)